Podcast Interview with ACM Prize in Computing Winner, Shwetak Patel Shwetak Patel, the 2018 ACM Prize in Computing winner and Professor in Computer Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington, was a participating laureate at this year’s Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF). During his presentation at HLF, … 30. Sep 2019 | By Khari Douglas | 0 comments
Live-Mitschriften beim Heidelberg Laureate Forum Am Donnerstagmorgen war beim Heidelberg Laureate Forum am unteren Rande der linken Projektion (die üblicherweise die Vortragenden zeigt) eine Live-Mitschrift zu sehen. Angesichts der Komplexität der behandelten Themen war die Mitschrift bemerkenswert gut. Fast alle … 27. Sep 2019 | By Markus Pössel | 0 comments
Accessibility: Transcriptions at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Thursday morning, at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, text from a live transcription began to appear at the bottom of one of the main screens. Given the complexity of the topics under discussion, the transcription was … 27. Sep 2019 | By Markus Pössel | 2 comments
A CERN for Climate Change and the National Security Implications of Cybersecurity Every year at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) a hot topic, or theme, related to mathematics and computer science is chosen to be addressed by a panel of experts. At this year’s HLF the hot topic sessions, … 26. Sep 2019 | By Khari Douglas | 1 comment
Wie können wir vernünftig über Klimamodelle reden? Das diesjährige Hot Topic, zu diversen Aspekten des Klimawandels, war ein dreieinhalb-Stunden-Marathon an kompakten Vorträgen, die jeweils unterschiedliche Perspektiven auf das Thema boten. Als roter Faden zog sich die Frage nach der Zuverlässigkeit von Klimamodellen … 26. Sep 2019 | By Markus Pössel | 104 comments
How should we talk about Climate Models? This year’s Hot Topic, Climate Change, was a wild ride, with an intense three-and-a-half hours of compact talks, each with a different perspective on the problem. The reliability of our climate models was one of … 26. Sep 2019 | By Markus Pössel | 0 comments
Can We Trust Autonomous Systems and Seeing the Classics at the Technik Museum Speyer In Tuesday’s opening lecture at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), Joseph Sifakis, 2007 Turing Award winner, discussed whether we can trust autonomous systems and considered the interplay between the trustworthiness of the system – the … 25. Sep 2019 | By Khari Douglas | 2 comments
Willkommen zu einer interessanten Nicht-ganz-Diskussion über wissenschaftliches Publizieren Mit Diskussionsrunden ist das so eine Sache. Zu Beginn der Diskussionsrunde des Heidelberg Laureate Forum zum Thema wissenschaftliches Publizieren sah es so aus, als hätten die Organisatoren die Diskussionspartner recht einseitig zusammengestellt. Gerard Meijer (Direktor … 24. Sep 2019 | By Markus Pössel | 9 comments
Welcome to the interesting not-quite-debate on scientific publishing Debates are a tricky thing. At the beginning of the debate about Scientific Publishing at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum Today, it looked very much as if the organisers had forgotten to invite parties from the … 24. Sep 2019 | By Markus Pössel | 4 comments
Artificial Intelligence and the Challenge of Modeling the Brain’s Behavior Yesterday morning at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) laureates Yoshua Bengio (2018 Turing Award), Edvard Moser (2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine), and Leslie G. Valiant (1986 Nevanlinna Prize and 2010 Turing Award) each … 24. Sep 2019 | By Khari Douglas | 3 comments