Interview with Cédric Villani Cédric Villani had a small press conference at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum. Most of the reporters present were not mathematicians and did not ask technical questions. They seemed to view Villani as a sort of … 25. Sep 2013 | By John D. Cook | 0 comments
Cobblestones Heidelberg is a gorgeous city — ancient, beautifully built, walkable (at least this part). There’s a castle up on the hill, gorgeous old buildings, and narrow streets paved with cobblestones. And whoever it was who … 25. Sep 2013 | By Julie Rehmeyer | 0 comments
Why So Few Mathematicians? (Followup) In a previous post I discussed the question of why relatively few mathematical laureates came to the Heidelberg Laureate Forum. The question has continued to be much discussed at the meeting, and I have heard … 25. Sep 2013 | By Dana Mackenzie | 1 comment
Die Schnittmenge der Fields- und der Nobelberatung Ich habe dieses Jahr in zwei Vorträgen gesessen, in denen es um guten Rat für angehende Wissenschaftler ging: Eben gerade beim HLF bei Sir Michael Atiyah, unter dem Titel “Advice to a Young Mathematician”, und … 25. Sep 2013 | By Markus Pössel | 0 comments
Fields Medal genealogy Cédric Villani, one of the Fields Medal winners attending the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, studied with Pierre-Louis Lions, who was also a Fields Medal winner. Is it common for medalists to have students who go on … 25. Sep 2013 | By John D. Cook | 2 comments
Hinter den Kulissen des Forums (2) Nachdem ich über die jungen Teilnehmer berichtet habe, sind jetzt die Laureaten an der Reihe. Wenn man sich beim Forum umschaut, fallen sie auf, sie haben alle etwas besonderes an sich. Cédric … 25. Sep 2013 | By Marlene Knoche | 1 comment
Mathematik rückwärts? Eine Einführung in die “Reverse Mathematik” Einer der PostDoc-Workshops des Heidelberg Laureate Forums am Montagnachmittag trug den ungewöhnlichen Titel “An Introduction to Reverse Mathematics” (TB: wörtlich “Eine Einführung in die umgedrehte Mathematik“). Gut, zugegeben, mein Mathematikstudium liegt inzwischen auch eine gewisse … 24. Sep 2013 | By Tarek R. Besold | 6 comments
Meet Your Role Models at HLF Kyle Rector, HLF13 participant: Okay, I must admit, I was nervous introducing myself to people who have made enormous contributions to the fields of Computer Science and Mathematics. However, the Heidelberg Laureate Forum provides the … 24. Sep 2013 | By Guest blogger | 0 comments
Workshop on programming with dependent types This is a short report from my workshop on programming with dependent types, which took place at the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, September 23, 2013. There were 18 participants in the workshop, including four ACM Turing … 24. Sep 2013 | By Johan Georg Granström | 0 comments
Dances, Billiards, and Pretzels When I came to the Heidelberg Laureate Forum, I expected a feast for my mind. I didn’t expect a feast for my eyes! Take a look at this incredible video, by Diana Davis, which was … 24. Sep 2013 | By Dana Mackenzie | 2 comments