Monthly Archives: September 2023
The Man Who Wired the World: Robert Metcalfe and Connectivity
The 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum kicked off with a captivating lecture by Robert Metcalfe, the 2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient and the inventor of Ethernet. In his engaging style, Metcalfe took the audience on a journey through the past, present, and future of connectivity. Read more
HLFF Spotlight: 10th HLF
A Weaver of Virtual Worlds – Rachel Masters
Hiking and fishing in the Rocky Mountains were part and parcel of 10th HLF attendee Rachel Masters’ childhood. Nowadays, she taps into these experiences while developing the best possible immersive and therapeutic nature-based virtual reality (VR) experiences – forest landscape escapes through which people can take quick mental breaks. Read more
HLFF Spotlight: 10th HLF
A Champion for Change – Francis Saa-Dittoh
Ghanaian PhD student Francis Saa-Dittoh is a ferocious reader of sci-fi books. His reading habits have taught him that technology-wise almost anything imaginable is possible. However, his practical involvement in the field of information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) has taught him that what is possible isn’t always appropriate. Read more
HLFF Spotlight: 10th HLF
Deepfakes and Open Science – Shifani Dilrukshi Gamage
Dilrukshi Gamage, a postdoctoral fellow from Sri Lanka who studies how society is influenced by technology, is already an HLF ‘veteran’. She attended the 5th HLF in 2017, midway through her PhD in Computer Science. Since then, she has carried with her the following advice offered by ACM A.M. Turing Award recipient and cryptologist, Martin Hellman: “The interesting thing in research is to be curious rather than furious.” Read more