Visting the Mathematical Biosciences Institute

BLOG: Graue Substanz

Migräne aus der technischen Forschungsperspektive von Gehirnstimulatoren zu mobilen Gesundheitsdiensten.
Graue Substanz

I’m currently visiting the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at The Ohio State University. Last week, it started with a great workshop on Mathematical Challenges in Neural Network Dynamics. (I actually heart for the first time someone mentioning his blog in a talk.)

There will be soon the videos available, check out those from the last workshop: Math Biology: Looking at the Future.

I will work here on ionic based models of neural activity, also sometimes referred to as second generation Hodgkin-Huxley models. There is a new postdoctoral fellow and another long-term visitor here at the MBI who work on related problems. So I am looking forward to  taking on this new endeavor in a math department.


Markus Dahlem forscht seit über 20 Jahren über Migräne, hat Gastpositionen an der HU Berlin und am Massachusetts General Hospital. Außerdem ist er Geschäftsführer und Mitgründer des Berliner eHealth-Startup Newsenselab, das die Migräne- und Kopfschmerz-App M-sense entwickelt.

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