“What we’ve learned along the way”: The Computational Carbon Chemistry Group says good-bye… Jim Gray is one of the smaller meeting rooms at HITS, where all seminar rooms are named after renowned researchers and pioneers in the computer sciences, and it is with mixed feelings that I am … 19. Jun 2024 | Von Angela Michel | 1 Kommentar
Geometric Deep Learning und die Suche nach dem passenden Wirkstoff Jan Stühmer hat Papier und Schere dabei. „Ich habe mir überlegt, wie man Geometric Deep Learning anschaulich erklären kann, und bin auf die Idee mit der Schneeflocke gekommen.“ In den folgenden Minuten schaue ich interessiert … 23. Apr 2024 | Von Angela Michel | 4 Kommentare
B like beyond the human limit or astronomical challenges in the era of AI I started falling in love with astronomy when I was a child, it was around the year 1994. In those days, the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with the planet Jupiter. I was fascinated by the … 16. Dez 2020 | Von Antonio D'Isanto | Keine Kommentare