Welcome to the HLF-Blog

Tagebücher der Wissenschaft

Tagebücher der Wissenschaft

This year the first Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF) with Laureates from mathematics and computer sciences takes place September 22-27, 2013. About 40 Laureates (Abel Prize, Fields Medal, Nevanlinna Prize, Turing Award) are expected to come. They will give lectures and discuss in certain panels. Also the 200 invited young researchers from all over the globe will intensively share their ideas and thoughts in certain workshops – and not at least with the Laureates. This sounds like a great event to happen at the beginning of autumn in Heidelberg.

An international team of bloggers reports about this event in English and German here on the official HLF Blog site. More about the teams of professional science writers, scientists and bloggers:

English Blog Team

German Blog Team

We will officially start our HLF Blog activities with September 16, 2013. From then on we will provide you with further information. In the small series “6 out of 200” for example 6 young researchers answered our questions and you might learn them to know before the forum starts. During the meeting you may read background stories of this event, about the Laureates and young researchers. We will interview Laureates and young researchers, select the best quote of the day, tell you about the atmosphere, the concert and more.

All #hlf13 participants may also write with us as guest bloggers. You may write in English or German. Just send an email with a picture of you and a short biography plus the posting. We will take care oft he technical details and get your posting on this platform.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and receive up-to-date information about the HLF.

Please note the official hashtag for this year’s forum is #hlf13 (Heidelberg Laureate Forum 2013).

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ist stellvertretende Wissenschaftliche Direktorin des Nationalen Instituts für Wissenschaftskommunikation (Nawik), Karlsruhe. Sie koordiniert dieses Konferenzblog. Beatrice ist Diplom-Chemikerin und seit über 20 Jahren als Wissenschaftsjournalistin für diverse deutsche Magazine und Tageszeitungen aktiv. Als Social Media Expertin hat sie unter anderem die Scienceblogs in Deutschland aufgebaut. In ihrem Blog ‚Quantensprung‘ und in ihren Tweets als @BLugger schreibt sie vornehmlich über Wissenschaftskommunikation.

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